Customer Testimonials

I was blown away by the powerful, profound and accurate messages I received from my guides through Denise. I even had a giggle remembering the unique sense of humour and certain way my loved ones expressed themselves when they were alive. It was very reassuring!

I was gob-smacked at how precise Denise was about things goings on in my life. Like when she told me our 6 year old son's back had been out since birth - and named specific symptoms that were happening to him that were ongoing. I took him to an cranial-osteopath who confirmed it was the case and corrected the problem. All the symptoms disappeared completely and we have a far happier son as Denise had said we would- thank you Denise for solving the mystery & enabling us to restore health to our little man. (He no longer has headaches and stomach pains).

Having a reading with Denise really helped me re-affirm my goals and regain the confidence to know I was heading in the right direction.

I highly recommend Denise - she has an amazing ability and a kind caring heart!

Maria Wadsworth, New Zealand

Thank you so much, I have passed on your name to a few good friends.

You are spot on about our children. And about other details, I lost a baby girl who was stillborn and before my Nana passed a few years ago we spoke of how she was going to find my baby and take care of her for me until we could be together once more (just as you said in my reading). You brought a lot of happy tears to my eyes this evening, thank you.

Liz, New Zealand

Hi Denise,

I can't begin to describe in words what an incredible experience I had yesterday, connecting with my Mum after all these years with your help. I wanted to let you know how very important each message you gave me was, at this point of time in my life. I read your email last night when I got home and felt so much more positive.

Thank you for your warmth and love. I can honestly say that today I feel I'm in a much happier world. I've been waiting for an affirmation of this magnitude for several years and yesterday was the most emotional day I've had for seven years, all thanks to your very special gift.

I can understand why my Mum felt comfortable with you, you are truly amazing.

Linda, Australia